Board of Education
Schools and School Districts
Vienna's First Schoolhouse
Vienna Academy
Coal Miners’ School
Mahoning Valley Vocational School
Vienna Township Rural School District (1805-1960)
Vienna School Number 1 (Vienna Center)
Vienna School Number 2 (Chamberlain)
Vienna School Number 3 (Munson-Carey)
Vienna School Number 4 (Block)
Vienna School Number 5 (Vinton)
Vienna School Number 6 (Tyrrell Hill)
Vienna School Number 7 (Murray’s Corners)
Vienna School Number 8 (Rogers)
Vienna School Number 9 (Chadwick Corners)
Vienna School Number 10 (Holliday)
Vienna Special School (Vienna Center)
Vienna Centralized School (also referred to as Vienna High School and Vienna School)
Fowler-Vienna Local School District (1961-1982)
Mathews High School
Baker Elementary School (now known as Mathews Elementary School)
Booster Field
Dan Kennedy Field
Mathews Local School District (1982-present)
Baker, Beryl
Betts, Helen L.
Birge, Chester
Derrow, Nathan B.
Leach, Rex
Mathews, Ithel F.
Montgomery, Nelle
Sofikitis, John G.
Mascots and Logos
The Vienna Flyers & Mathews Mustangs
Graduating Classes
Vienna High School Graduating Classes: 1917-1961
Mathews High School Graduating Classes: 1962-2024
Parents' Associations
Mathews Music Boosters
Mathews Parent Teacher Organization
Vienna Township Parent-Teacher Association
Vienna High School Sports Achievements:
Vienna High School Boys Baseball, Trumbull County Champions, 1934
Vienna High School Girls Basketball, Trumbull County Champions, 1937
Vienna High School Boys Basketball, T.I.A., Sectional, and District Champions, 1954
Vienna High School Boys Basketball, T.I.A., District, Regional Champions, and State Finals, 1955
Mathews High School Sports Achievements
Alumni Groups & Organizations
The HERD Foundation
Mathews Alumni Basketball Game
Mathews Hall of Fame
Vienna-Mathews Alumni Association
Graduation Rituals (Coming soon!)
Memories of Neal Junior High and Middle School
Memories of Currie Elementary School
Vienna High School Senior Class Photographs
Vienna School Group Photographs